U.S. condemns hanging of Reyhaneh Jabbari in Iran


The United States on Saturday condemned the hanging of the Iranian woman Reyhaneh Jabbari, 26, who had been imprisoned for over seven years.

“We condemn this morning’s execution in Iran of Reyhaneh Jabbari,” said the statement by State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

The statement said who there were “serious concerns with the fairness of the trial and the circumstances surrounding this case.”

Among those concerns were “reports of confessions made under severe duress,” Psaki said.

The UN and international human rights groups have said her confession was obtained under intense pressure and threats from prosecutors, and that she should have had a retrial.

“Iranian authorities proceeded with this execution despite pleas from Iranian human rights activists and an international outcry over this case,” Psaki said.

“We join our voice with those who call on Iran to respect the fair trial guarantees afforded to its people under Iran’s own laws and its international obligations.”

In a deceptive scheme, Morteza Abdulali Sarbandi, an agent of the Iranian regime’s notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) intended to assault Reyhaneh Jabbari.

A UN human rights monitor said the killing came in self-defense after Sarbandi tried to sexually abuse Jabbari, and that the condemned woman’s trial in 2009 had been deeply flawed.

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