Two Iranians get jail terms on espionage charges

TEHRAN, June 21 (Xinhua) — A court in Iran’s Kerman province sentenced two Iranian suspects to prison terms on spying charges for Britain and Israel, Iran Daily paper reported on Saturday.

One of the suspects, who was arrested last year over spying for Britain’s MI6, was given a 10-year prison sentence, Kerman prosecutor Yadollah Movahed was quoted as saying.

The convicted person “made 11 contacts with MI6 officers” in other countries to provide information to them, Movahed said.

Another person was sentenced to five years in prison for contacting intelligence officers at Israeli embassies in Turkey and Thailand, he added.

Iran has accused some western intelligence services, including Mossad of Israel, of carrying out intelligence work inside the Islamic republic and even of being involved in the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists.

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