Turkish president: ‘Iran is trying to dominate the region’


Turkey’s president warned on Thursday that the Iranian regime is trying to dominate the region, adding that Ankara could provide “logistical support” to Saudi Arabia in its military operations against the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

“Iran is trying to dominate the region,” Erdogan warned at a news conference on Thursday.

“Can this be permitted? This has become an annoyance for us, as well as for Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries,” he added. “This really cannot be tolerated.”

In a separate interview with France 24 on Thursday, Erdogan said that Ankara backed military intervention by Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries against the Houthi rebels that are backed by the Iranian regime.

We support Saudi Arabia’s intervention,” Erdoğan said. “Turkey may consider providing logistical support, depending on how the situation evolves,” he added.

Erdogan warned in his press conference that the Iranian regime must withdraw whatever forces it has in Yemen and Syria, and said Tehran is trying to take over Iraq.

“Iran has to … withdraw any forces, whatever it has in Yemen, as well as Syria and Iraq and respect their territorial integrity.”

He accused the Iranian regime of fighting Islamic State – or Daesh – in Iraq in order to boost its own power. Iran has “a sectarian agenda,” he said. Tehran “wants to fill the void that will be created by Daesh,” he added.

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