Tuesday’s Iran Mini Report – September 11, 2018

Tuesday's Iran Mini Report - September 11, 2018

• Iraq: Clerics in Karbala chanting “Death to Khamenei”

A number of clerics in Karbala, southern Iraq, rallied outside the Iranian regime’s consulate in this city and were seen chanting “Death to Khamenei,” targeting the mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. These protesters, angry over Tehran’s meddling in their country and the crimes committed by Iran-backed militias, were also chanting:

“No to the pharaoh”, “No to the devil”, “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to the mullahs’ principle”, “No to Khamenei”, “No to Khomeini,” referring to the regime’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini.

• Another three Kurdish political prisoners executed

on Monday, Sep 10, in Miyanoab, Western Azerbaijan, Kamal Ahmad Nejad was sentenced to death by the Iranian judicial authorities on charges of membership in the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, according to Hangaw Organisation for Human Rights.

Ahmad Nejad had previously served over four years in prison.

On the other hand, two members of the Peshmerga Party of Kurdistan were executed on Sunday, Sep. 9 in Iran after being wounded and captured by Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The names of these two executed were Ahmad Shabab and Nasser Azizi, both of were from Mahabad a city of, West Azarbaijan province.

• US judge orders Iran to pay $105m over 1996 Khobar Towers bomb in Saudi Arabia

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. on Monday ordered Iran to pay $104.7 million to victims of a June 1996 truck bombing in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia that killed 19 US military personnel, though it is unclear when and how the plaintiffs might collect.

• United States Issues Fresh Warning To Airlines About Using Iranian Airspace

The United States has issued a fresh warning to airlines to exercise caution when operating in Iran’s airspace, citing concerns over military activity including an unnamed U.S. civil operator being intercepted by fighter jets in December 2017.

The U.S. Department of State advises that its citizens do not travel to Iran due to the risk of arbitrary arrest and detention. Flight Service Bureau said that could present problems in the event of an unplanned landing in Iran for medical or technical reasons.

• UN committee calls on Iran to release jailed US Princeton scholar

A United Nations rights panel has issued a strongly worded opinion calling on Iran to immediately release an American scholar imprisoned two years ago while doing historical research that the Iranian authorities had approved.

• Bolton threatens “stronger” U.S. response if Syria uses chemical weapons

U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton said on Monday that Washington, along with its allies, will give “stronger response” if Syria uses chemical weapons.

Bolton made the remarks in a public address in Washington.

“We’ve been in consultation with the British and the French … and they also agree that another use of chemical weapons will result in a much stronger response,” he told audience in the Q&A session.

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