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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranTuesday's Iran Mini Report - January 22, 2019

Tuesday’s Iran Mini Report – January 22, 2019

Tuesday's Iran Mini Report - January 22, 2019


• Pompeo and Bolton fully supported Germany for banning Iran regime’s Mahan Airliner

Johan Bolton in his message stated: We fully support the action today by Germany to counter Iranian-sponsored terrorism in Europe by banning Mahan Air flights. Mahan Air exploits commercial air to support Iranian terrorism by transporting operatives, weapons, and funds throughout the Middle East and beyond.

Mike Pompeo also said:

“The U.S. welcomes Germany’s decision to deny landing rights to Iran’s Mahan Air. The airline transports weapons and fighters across the Middle East, supporting the Iranian regime’s destructive ambitions around the region. We encourage all our allies to follow suit,”

• On Monday More than 5 protest gatherings were held in Iran

More than five protests were organized in Iran on January 21, 2019. The workers of National power distribution Company in Tehran, the municipality workers in Lowshan, the investors of Caspian financial institution, and the customers of its branch in Mashhad, Badr Toos institution have held separate protests requesting their demands. Moreover, 300 workers of Nishabur municipality have 30 million Toman [approcimately 3000 USD] unpaid wages, each. They were protesting multiple times in January.

• Members of Persecuted Baha’i Faith Arrested and Deprived From Education

Iranian Intelligence agents on January 20, arrested Baha’i woman, Atoosa Ahmad-Aei, in her home in Tehran.

The Intelligence Ministry agents raided her home and taken away her books, computer, and other personal items.

Two Baha’i women, Kimia Mostafavi and Kiana Rezvani, were also arrested in Kerman last week on January 19, 2019, by the state security forces. No information is available on their fate and whereabouts.

• Iran fails to find any buyers for crude offered on exchange

Iran failed to find any buyers on Monday in its latest attempt to sell oil to private companies for export on the energy exchange, state media reported, in a setback to Tehran’s efforts to bypass U.S. sanctions.

Crude oil trade is state-controlled in Iran, but to try to work around U.S. sanctions, the government last year started to sell crude to private buyers through the exchange.

However, there were no buyers on Monday for the one million barrels the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) offered on the exchange at a starting price of $52 a barrel.

• Iran not invited, Russia snubs meeting over Iran concerns

Poland’s foreign minister says Iran has not been invited to an international conference on the Middle East next month in Warsaw, while Russia has declined the invitation.

Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said in remarks published Monday that Iran’s presence would have hampered talks because the language that Tehran uses is “hard to accept.”

He said Russia has advised that it will not participate, either.

Czaputowicz insisted the conference could help solve the impasse over the international agreement on curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions.