Tuesday’s Iran Mini Report – August 21, 2018

Tuesday's Iran Mini Report - August 21, 2018

• Two arrested for spying for Iran in U.S.

WASHINGTON – Two Iranian men were indicted on Monday for allegedly spying for Tehran in the United States, including conducting surveillance on backers of the Iranian opposition Mujahideen-e Khalq, the Justice Department said.

Ahmadreza Mohammadi-Doostdar, 38, a dual U.S.-Iranian citizen, and Majid Ghorbani, 59, an Iranian citizen and resident of California, were charged in the indictment with acting on behalf of Iran by conducting the surveillance, the Justice Department said in a statement. Both were arrested on Aug. 9. Reuters reported.

• France’s Total Leaves Iran Amid Sanctions Threat From U.S.

Iran’s oil minister says the French oil-and-natural-gas company Total has “officially left” Iran amid threats by the United States to impose sanctions against companies that do business in the country.

Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangeneh was quoted by state television on August 20 as saying Total had officially “left the contract to develop the South Pars Gas project.”

Zangeneh said a “process” was under way to replace Total with another company.

Total became involved in the project after Tehran signed a nuclear accord with six world powers in 2015 that lifted international sanctions against Iran in exchange for curbs to its nuclear program.

• Conservative MP Insinuates Rouhani Has British Citizenship

The issue of top Iranian officials and their children who have dual citizenship has once again flared up after a conservative MP indirectly accused the Islamic Republic’s President Hassan Rouhani of being a British citizen.

During the presentation of a parliament Investigation and Probe Committee report on Iranian officials who have dual citizenship, it was announced on Sunday, August 19, that one of the Iranian “top officials” in a “very high and important position” has British nationality.

A hardline MP and member of the Committee, Abolfazl Torabi, maintained, one of the country’s top officials has been naturalized as a British citizen, while studying in Scotland.

Although Torabi did not mention Rouhani by name, but, he was apparently referring to the president, whom hardliners are grilling these days.

• Iran Health Minister: 66 Iranians die each day in road incidents

The Iranian Regime’s Health Minister recently said road incidents took the lives of one Iranian every 15 minutes in a span of just one month. Seyed Hassan Hashemi went on to add there is no strong will to prevent the production of non-standard vehicles, without referring to the fact that people with links to regime officials are plundering enormous wealth while producing low quality goods, such as vehicles, and placing the general public at enormous risks.

Nearly 70 individuals lost their lives each day in the span of just one month due to road accidents. The state-run ISNA news agency cited Hashmi saying, “We recently had the highest number of road accident casualties. An average of 66 individuals lost their lives on a daily basis. On one day alone this number reached 81 counts.”

“We don’t sense these daily developments. Maybe the reason is we don’t place much value in people’s lives… the highest number of casualties in human societies are occurring in our region these days,” he added with the utmost audacity.

• Iranian authorities confess: Chinese are fishing in Iranian deep waters

On 18th August, Tasnim News Agency close to the IRGC Quds force, published a piece literally saying that the Iranian regime has allowed Chinese fishers to hunt in Iranian deep waters.

According to the Tasnim article, Mohammad Ali Hassanzadeh, deputy chief of Ports and Maritime Organization, said: “Chinese ships have signed an official long-term agreement with Iran’s Fishery that allows them to fish up to 200 meters deep in Iran’s waters in the Gulf of Oman.”

Allowing Chinese ships to trawl the bottom of the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman is among the treasonous policies of the Iranian regime. It’s also in line with their other policies like exporting Iranian soil and potable water to Arab states of the Persian Gulf and Iraq or selling out Iranian shares in the Caspian Sea to Iran’s northern neighbors to secure their support in international bodies.

• Iranian-backed sleeper cells have infiltrated the US and ‘ready to strike’

Intelligence officials and security experts have warned on the existence of Iranian terrorist “sleeper cells” operating within the United States.

The warning was made by security experts at a hearing of the US Congressional Security Committee, asserting that Iranian terrorist networks were in the US waiting to receive orders to act.

The experts warned that Tehran could launch terrorist attacks targeting American interests at any moment, either through its cells or through its arm Lebanon’s Hezbollah, which is active in Latin American countries.

“Their presence in Latin America must be viewed as a forward operating base against America’s interest in the region and the homeland itself.”

Ottolenghi said the sleeper agents enter America by posing as immigrants who develop legitimate businesses that are a front for their other activities.

• Official says over 3,300 women committed suicide in Iran last year

New statistics show more than 3,300 women committed suicide in Iran last year. The shocking new figures on suicides in Iran was revealed for the first time by one of the deputies of Iran’s Ministry of Sports and Youth.

In light of the Iranian regime’s lack of transparency and the government agencies’ failure to accurately register the date, this figure must be considered only part of the existing reality.

Mohammad Mehdi Tondgooyan, deputy for youths affairs at the Ministry of Sports and Youth, announced on August 19, 2018, that the suicide rate in Iran was estimated at 4,992 suicides in the year ending in March 2018.

On women’s suicides, Tondgooyan said, “In the whole country, the rate of attempted suicide in women was about two thirds, and one third in men,” implying that nearly 3,300 women committed suicide in Iran in the period of only one year, which amounts to 9 women per day.

• Iran Regime Arrests Family Members of the Victims of 1988 Massacre in Fear of Justice-Seeking Movement

Simultaneous with the anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, and while the nationwide uprising continues, the ruling religious fascism in Iran, in fear of the rise in Justice-Seeking Movement, has arrested a number of families of these martyrs.

Iranian Resistance calls on all the people, especially the brave youth, to protest these arrests and show support and solidarity with the prisoners of the uprising. It also asks the Security Council, the Secretary-General, the Human Rights Council and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and other relevant international bodies, as well as the European Union and the member states to take immediate action to free these innocent individuals and other arrestee in the uprising, the names of many of whom have been sent by the National Council of Resistance (NCRI) to concerned authorities. A number of those arrested during the past months have been killed under the brutal tortures of Khamenei’s murderers.

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