Tuesday’s Iran Mini Report – Apr.03, 2018

Child marriage of girls under 15 2 min

• Marriage of girl children promoted by Iran regime’s TV serial

A TV serial broadcast during Nowruz (Iranian New Year) holidays has been widely criticized by children’s rights activists in Iran for promoting marriage of girl children.

The serial called, “Paytakht” or the capital, which is a comedy making fun of the marriage of two teenage girls, 12 or 13 years old, has created great concern among children’s rights advocates.(Read More)

• 52 staff accounts at four Singapore universities breached by Iran regime’s hackers
SINGAPORE – There was a breach of 52 staff accounts said the Cyber Security Agency (CSA) of Singapore and Ministry of Education (MOE) in a joint statement on Tuesday (April 3).

The nine Iranians allegedly responsible for the attacks have been charged in the United States for attempting to hack into 144 US and 176 foreign universities across 21 countries- including those in Singapore – on behest of the Iranian government, the US Department of Justice said in a statement on March 23.

• New investigation reveals how Iran skirted US sanctions

April 03, 2018. A Bahraini government audit revealed that Future Bank, a now-closed joint venture bank owned in part by two of Iran’s largest lenders, frequently manipulated documents to cover up illicit trades between Iran and foreign partners and secretly aided Iran in skirting international sanctions for more than 10 years.

• Netherlands angers politician by sending military attache to Iran

Joel Voordewind of the Christian Union party said he was “dismayed” by the posting, In addition to developing missiles capable of reaching Europe, “Iran oppresses its own population and seeks to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth,” said Voordewind, whose party is a coalition partner. “I assume we don’t want military cooperation with Iran,” Voordewind told the Jewish weekly.

• Saudi oil tanker hit in “Houthi-Iranian attack” off Yemen – coalition

DUBAI-Yemen’s Houthis hit a Saudi oil tanker in the Red Sea off the main port city of Hodeidah,
In a statement carried by Saudi media, the coalition said the oil tanker was in international waters when it came under “Houthi-Iranian attack” at around 13:30 local time (1030 GMT).

“As a result of that attack, the tanker was subjected to a slight but ineffective hit and it resumed its naval course northwards, escorted by a coalition warship,” the statement said. Source: Reuters

• Trump and Salman: emphasis on the need to cope with the Iranian regime’s threat to regional stability

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman had a telephone conversation on Monday evening with US President Donald Trump, in which he discussed the latest regional situation.

Salman, expressed his appreciation for a recent statement issued by the White House on its strong stance towards the Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen.

Trump called on the need to address the Iranian threat.

• Border Markets Strike in the Cities of Iran’s Kurdistan Province

Today, Tuesday, April 3, the bazaris in various cities of Kurdistan, including Kermanshah, Saghez and Javanrood, went on strike and closed their shops in an attempt to protest the closure of the borders by the IRGC and the regime’s agents.

• AHVAZ, Apr. 3, 2018. Dozens killed and wounded in fire

Dozens of people were killed and wounded during an early morning Fire on April 3 in a cafe at a bazaar in western Ahvaz

A spokesman for the Iranian Emergency Department announced that during the fire, at least 10 people were killed and 14 were injured.

• My compatriots and I are the ones to grant amnesty (not Iran regime’s leader)- Maryam Akbari

Lady political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared has recently sent out an open letter from the women’s ward of Evin Prison rebuking Salavati, one of the Mullahs’ regime’s notorious judges, who sentenced Mrs. Akbari to 15 years’ imprisonment.

In response to the inquiry of Mrs. Akbari’s husband about her freedom, Judge Salavati said, “Let me check out and see whether her name is on the amnesty list.”

In a strongly-worded open letter, Maryam Akbari Monfared reacted by listing the mullahs’ crimes during their rule and boasted of having opposed the regime. She said, “My enchained compatriots and I are the ones who must grant amnesty.” (Read More)

• Workers Demanding Overdue Wages Detained In Iran

Iranian regime’s security forces have reportedly arrested several workers on Saturday, March 31, at Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Mill in city of Ahvaz, capital of oil-rich Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran.Earlier on Thursday; five other workers were also detained.

Iran Free Trade Union (IFTU) says, following a legal complaint filed by the private owner of the mill, ten workers were detained on Saturday.

• Ahmadinejad’s Office Statement on the Situation of Detention of his colleagues in prison

The office of former Iranian regime president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the judiciary that by “failure to comply with legal and even humanitarian standards” intent to kill Hamid Baghei and Esfandiarahim Mashayi.

Hamid Baghei has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for “embezzlement” and “government property damage”.
• Marco Rubio: Leaving Syria without a clear plan, will strengthen the Iranian regime and …

Senator Marco Rubio opposed the withdrawal of US forces from Syria and said in a message that Donald Trump had made great progress in defeating ISIL in Syria and that we should leave Syria as soon as possible. But leaving without a clear plan and a vacuum left behind would undermine US security and boost Putin, the Iranian regime and Hezbollah.

• Saudi Crown Prince: Iran’s Supreme Leader ‘Makes Hitler Look Good’

“I believe the Iranian supreme leader makes Hitler look good. Hitler didn’t do what the supreme leader is trying to do. Hitler tried to conquer Europe. … The supreme leader is trying to conquer the world.” Prince Mohammed, Said in interview with the American-Atlantic magazine (Read More)

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