Troops open fire on unarmed anti-government demonstrators in Iraq

NCRI – A shocking new video showing Iraqi soldiers opening fire on unarmed anti-government protesters has emerged in Iraq.

Al-Tagheer TV aired the footage filmed in al-Hawija on May 15, revealing prime minister Nouri al-Maliki’s elite SWAT forces shooting at fleeing demonstrators.

Al-Rafidain TV reported on Thursday how in a separate attack, forces drove 45 Hummer vehicles into a farm in Ramadi owned by Sheikh Ali Hatam Soleiman.

Mosques in area called on the local tribes to help Sheikh Ali Hatam, but were unable to repel al-Maliki’s forces.

Al-Anbar police have also attacked a seminar in Ramadi, confiscated TV cameras filming the event and arrested protest leader Ayad al-Khatib in Ramadi, al-Baghdad reported on Wednesday.

Iraqi tribes blocked the Ramadi highway at three points on Thursday and gave al-Maliki a 24-hours deadline to free political prisoners and withdraw his troops from Al-Anbar province.

Following the wave of assassination and threats, protesters spokesman Ahmad Al-Alvani said demonstrators would not drop their demands.

He told Baghdad TV on Wednesday: “We have closed the road to anybody who tries to halt our demonstrations, harm us or pull down our tents and create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. This is a clear message to anybody who tries to attack the province. I can all confirm that our brothers in five other provinces will also not back down.”

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