Tribunal indicts 5th suspect in Hariri slaying

The Associated Press
A United Nations-backed tribunal investigating the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri has indicted a fifth suspect in the notorious slaying.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon announced Thursday it has indicted Hassan Merhi on charges including terrorism and intentional homicide for his alleged role in the Feb. 14, 2005, suicide truck bombing that killed Hariri, 21 others and the bomber.

Four Hezbollah members were charged in 2011 with plotting the attack but have not been arrested. Their trial is scheduled to start in January, in their absence if they are not detained.

The Shiite militia Hezbollah denies involvement in Hariri’s killing and has refused to extradite the first four suspects. Hariri was once one of Lebanon’s most powerful Sunni leaders.


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