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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranThursday's Iran Mini Report - September 27, 2018

Thursday’s Iran Mini Report – September 27, 2018

Thursday's Iran Mini Report - September 27, 2018

•UN Security Council discusses Iranian regime bellicosity

New York, Sept. 26, 2018 – The Iranian regime came under criticism at the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, a session specifically chaired by U.S. President Donald Trump focusing on the threats posed by Tehran’s mullahs and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Describing the mullahs’ regime as the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, U.S. President Donald Trump blasted the Iranian regime’s support for the Assad regime in butchering the Syrian people. Iran’s mullah should never be permitted to obtain nuclear weapons, he highlighted.

Voicing his position to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Trump emphasized how the Iranian regime used money from the highly flawed deal for terrorism and creating havoc. The U.S. imposed sanctions to confront the Iranian regime’s malign activities, he continued.

Washington calls on all UN members to cooperate with us in guaranteeing Iran never obtains nuclear weapons, Trump finalized.

•Rouhani Gets Blow via Iranians in New York

Rouhani gets blow via Iranians as he prepares for his speech today. The big crowd of yellow vest Iranians is here every year before the United Nation General Assembly. These Iranians, voting for a free Iran have held their rally at UNGA for four days. They are of all ages and arrive in New York from different European countries. The Iranian Organization in America has called for a formal demonstration at 10 AM local time. During the past days, various news agencies have been at the spot to broadcast their activities. The message of the Iranians opposing Rouhani is that he must go. They have shared multiple posts on social media about President Rouhani’s execution record. Videos of their rally in New York echo chants of, No to Khamenei too.

•After Rouhani’s UN Speech Iranian Rial Hits Record Low Of 190,000/dollar

The Iranian rial hit a record low against the U.S. dollar on the unofficial market on Wednesday, the Tasnim news agency reported, amid a deterioration in the economic situation in Iran and the reimposition of sanctions by the United States.

The dollar was being offered for as much as 190,000 rials, according to Tasnim. The rial has lost approximately 75 percent of its value since the beginning of 2018.

• South Korea’s Iranian crude imports tumble in August but more US barrels arrive

Singapore — South Korea’s crude oil imports from Iran tumbled in August with the November deadline for US sanctions on Tehran approaching fast, while shipments from the US and Algeria rose sharply as Seoul continues to seek alternative sources, industry officials said Thursday.

Asia’s fourth-biggest energy consumer has imported 2 million barrels of crude from Iran last month, down 84.2% from 12.63 million barrels received a year ago, latest data from state-run Korea National Oil Corp. showed.

This marks the 10th consecutive decline since November last year when imports from Iran fell 26.8% year on year to 10.37 million barrels. The August imports were also down 67.7% from 6.2 million barrels received in July.