Thursday’s Iran Mini Report – April 18, 2019

Thursday's Iran Mini Report - April 18, 2019

• x-general Says IRGC Was in Bosnia Disguised as Aid Workers

The Iranian Regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on April 17 denied the veracity of remarks by one of its former generals who has claimed to have worn Iran’s Red Crescent Society’s uniform for “military purposes” during the civil war in Bosnia.

Saeed Qassemi, a retired IRGC general, maintained on April 14 that he had visited Bosnia in the 1990s to train Bosnian Muslim fighters against the Serbs while wearing the Iranian Red Crescent uniform.

Qassemi’s remarks come just days after the U.S. State Department listed the IRGC as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization,” accusing it of supporting militant groups around the world.

• Following Iraqi Shi’ite Militias, Hezbollah Shows Up in Iran under the pretext of helping flood victims

The representative of the Lebanese Hezbollah in Iran says a significant number of young Lebanese are currently in Iran, helping relief operations for the flood-stricken people.

Critics charge that the real reason for the presence of loyal foreign militias, under the cover of flood relief, is to prevent protests by Iran’s flood-stricken population.

Last week there were protests in the oil-rich Khuzestan province, with a large crowd marching down the streets of the provincial capital Ahvaz.

• Pompeo: Trump ‘Will Continue to Ratchet Up Pressure’ on Iran

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a U.S. Senate committee: “I can assure the rest of the world that President Trump will continue to ratchet up the pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran so that their behavior will change,”.

Senator Ted Cruz and some other Republican members of the Foreign Relations Committee urged Pompeo not to continue the oil waivers when a deadline comes up next month, saying Iran’s exports are generating billions of dollars in revenues for its government.

• Iran: Protest by plundered investors of Caspian financial institute

A group of investors in the Caspian financial institute rallied on Tuesday in front of Tehran’s financial prosecutor’s office, demanding their plundered money back by this Revolutionary Guards affiliated institution.

The protesters were heard chanting: “Caspian is robbing our money, and the government is defending it”, “We will remain here until our money is returned”.

• Child Abuse Rises 10 Per Cent In One Year In North Khorasan Province

In an interview with the state-run ISNA news agency, Ali Akbar Sahranavard, the social deputy of the General Welfare Department of North Khorasan Province, announced, “Child abuse in March 2018- March 2019, has targeted kids between 5 and 11 years old, showing a 10 per cent increase compared to the previous year. Girl children made up the majority of victims of child abuse.”

The Child Protection bill is still in a state of limbo after ten years, being passed back and forth between the parliament and the Guardians Council. Meanwhile, over the past ten years, many children have been abused through rape, physical abuse and harassment.

• Iranian Female Fighter Cancels Return Home After Arrest Warrant Issued

The first Iranian woman to contest an official boxing bout has cancelled plans to return home after an arrest warrant was issued for her in Tehran, her representative said on Wednesday as Iranian authorities issued a denial.

Sadaf Khadem beat a French boxer, Anne Chauvin, in the bout, which took place in western France on Saturday.

Her representative, Clara Dallay, told Reuters that authorities had issued arrest warrants against her and fight organizer Mahyar Monshipour.

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