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The Right Policy to Tackle Iranian Regime

Right Policy to Tackle Iranian Regime

By Staff Writer

Earlier this month, following more than a year of speculation, Donald Trump pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, citing its failure to protect the US and its allies as well as a failure to address all of the problems of the Iranian Regime.

The deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was struck by Permanent Members of the UN Security Council (the US, the UK, China, Russia, and France) and Germany in the hope that the Iranian mullahs would reform if invited into the fold of international diplomacy.

However, there was no evidence that the Regime was capable of reform and plenty that they would continue their expansion and aggression. In the years since, it has become apparent that the signatories were wrong to trust Iran and foolish to release the billions of dollars in frozen assets to them.

This money did not improve the lives of the ordinary Iranians, but increased the Regime’s military budget and allowed them to fund wars in Syria (where they are propping up Bashar al-Assad to the tune of $24 billion per year), Iraq and Yemen. While many other countries in the region suffer because of the Iranian Regime’s sponsorship of terrorist groups.

Once a rich nation, the people of Iran has lost everything because of the mullahs. The Regime isn’t even trying to hide it anymore, with Brig. Gen. Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf revealing on national television that 96% of the population is poor and the other 4% takes everything. Iran has a wealth of natural resources, but their people remain in poverty.

Not content with plunging their people into poverty, the Iranian Regime arrests about 50 people per hour, according to Hassan Mosavi Chalk, Director of Iran’s Social Services Association. Their ‘crimes’ can range from peaceful political activism to not fasting during Ramadan to being a woman and wearing ripped jeans.

The Iranian people are naturally furious at the Regime for this neglect and abuse, which is why they first took to the streets in a nationwide uprising calling for regime change. The Regime met this protest with a brutal crackdown.

Reza Shafiee, wrote: “What is left of the JCPOA windfalls – after paying proxy terrorist group bills in the region – is spent on a variety of security forces in Iran. The regime provides theses forces with state-of-the-art gears to come down hard on protesters.”

That hasn’t stopped the demonstrations. It may even have made the Iranian people more intent on fighting back, especially after NCRI President Maryam Rajavi encouraged the protests.

The right policy

So what could be the right policy to tackle Iran? It seems the international community has tried just about everything and nothing has worked.

Well simply, they should support the people’s call for regime change as this is the only thing that can remove Iran’s threat to the world as a whole.