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The Reality of Iran’s Threat

“When it comes to the topic of Iran, The reality is way beyond myth. Even our worst predictions do not come close to the real threat we are facing.”,Wall Street  Journal wrote on August 2.

In an article titled Khamenei’s Political Show to Deceive Western Monitors Continues,  Emanuele Ottolenghi,  Senior Fellow with the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, wrote, “ Nothing can better describe the situation Iran is in regarding the deadlock its nuclear program has created with other countries in the world represented by permanent members of UN Security Council plus Germany. The world community has been negotiating with Khamenei’s Iran since 2002 when its clandestine nuclear program was revealed. Iran’s regime has responded positively to these negotiations in a game of cat and mice which has included change of presidents.”

 Wall Street’s Article adds that in one specific era when Khamenei felt he could advance his nuclear program under a moderate president, he allowed Mohammad Khatami to travel around the world  and advocate for his “dialogue of civilizations.” And simultaneously, Hassan Rohani played the role of a “moderate” in the international level outside of the country.

But when the show of moderation was not helpful anymore and did not serve Khamenei any longer, he supported Ahmadinejad, abandoned Hassan Rohani and substituted him with Ali Larijani.

The author of the article concludes that such a stance has continued to this day in spite of a 30-year failure to find a messenger of peace in the Islamic Republic. Despite undeniable evidence which proves it wrong, some still believe that all the obstacles in the way of creating relations between Iran and the West are due to lack of wisdom, trust and short vision on our side. The reality is the opposite. When it comes to the topic of Iran, the reality is way beyond myth. Even our worst predictions do not come close to the real threat we are still facing.