The Larger Game in the Middle East: Iranian regime

NCRI – In an article about the developments and the uprisings in the region, the New York Times reported that in mid-March in the White House Situation Room, as President Obama heard the arguments of his security advisers about the pros and cons of using military force in Libya, the conversation soon veered into the impact in a far more strategically vital place: Iran.

Benjamin J. Rhodes, a senior aide who joined in the meeting, said that “this broad coalition against Qaddafi sends a very strong message to Iran about our capabilities, militarily and diplomatically.”

The New York Times added that despite the long-term importance of Libya for the U.S., “Libya is a sideshow.”

Containing Iran’s power remains the central goal in the Middle East for the Obama’s team. Every decision — from Libya to Yemen to Bahrain to Syria — is being examined under the prism of how it can slow Iran’s nuclear progress, and speed the arrival of opportunities for a successful uprising there.

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