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The Danger of Overlooking Iran Regime in North Korean Missile Problem


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile launch in the early hours of Wednesday morning sent shockwaves across the world and many are now considering how best to deal with the threat posed by Kim Jong Un.

After all the missile could have hit anywhere in the continental United States if it had been launched at a lower trajectory and US Defense Secretary James Mattis has revealed that the launch shows that North Korea could now hit “everywhere in the world, basically”.

However, we could be overlooking a key element in this equation: Iran.

Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional law scholar and political analyst, is considering how the US’s action on North Korea will impact on another rogue nuclear power in the near future.

On ILTV, Dershowitz said“I think this is not about North Korea at all. I think this is all about Iran, and it’s all about how to make sure, 10 years from now, we’re not facing this crisis with Iran.”

He continued: “Iran already has the capacity to deliver nuclear weapons, and once the Iran deal terminates, as it will in eight or so years, they will be allowed to spin centrifuges sufficient to create a nuclear arsenal capable of reaching all over the world, and certainly capable of reaching American allies in the Middle East and in Europe.”

He said that the US cannot afford to make the same mistakes with Iran that it has with North Korea, because the ruthless ambition of the Iranian mullahs makes them far more dangerous.

He said: “The big difference is North Korea is not hegemonic in its interests. It just simply wants to survive. It’s creating a nuclear arsenal in order to prevent it from being destroyed and the regime toppled, whereas Iran has hegemonic interests, which they’ve already manifested from Lebanon to Syria to parts of Iraq, and clearly, they have their eyes on the Gulf States and the Sunni Arab world. And so whatever we do with North Korea has to be done with an eye to Iran. The goal has to be to make sure Iran never becomes a North Korea.”

Indeed, each country has already had a failed (or failing) nuclear pact with the West which failed to contain their dangerous nuclear weapons programme.

They have also collaborated on the North Korean nuclear programme and when the so-called sunset clauses run out in the current Iran nuclear deal, the Regime will already have the information to make a nuclear weapon, this highlights another way in which Iran is more dangerous than North Korea.

If you wish to see Dershowitz’s interview, please click here.