The Attorney General of Iran Regime: Ahmadinejad’s Companions Are “Festering Sore”


NCRI – Following clashes between the opponents in the upcoming presidential election, A. Davari affiliated with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called the remarks of the Attorney General, insulting and offensive.

The presidential candidate and the former Vice President for executive affairs, Hamid Baghaei also stated that the Attorney General is making such remarks, because he was not assigned to the Minister of Judiciary in Ahmadinejad’s government.

On Wednesday, April 12th, the Attorney General, Jafar Montazeri responded implicitly to the protests against the speech of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Having delivered a speech in Ahvaz, he promised that these remarks will be addressed soon and this “festering sore” shall be removed.” In an open letter to the Attorney General, Davari wrote, “Where can we complain about your law-breaking conducts and where shall we retain our rights? You are on the verge of turning 80 so please have fear for death!”

The political circle of fundamentalists affiliated with Khamenei opposed with Ahmadinejad’s candidacy while the Supreme Leader had recommended him not to seek nomination. Those opposed claim that Ahmadinejad might be disqualified because he disobeyed Khamenei.

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