Tariq al-Hashemi voices shock about Iranian regime’s claim that it has not received Iraq’s protest

 NCRI-  Iraqi Vice President, Tariq al-Hashemi, said at a press conference that he is shocked to hear the Iranian regime say that it has not received Iraq’s protest over the entry of the country’s forces into the Fakka oil field, al-Baghdadia TV reported on Wednesday.

Dr. al-Hashemi said: “What has happened is an act of hostility that we cannot accept. Aggression against Iraqi sovereignty is a red line. We expected our neighbor to respond to the Foreign Ministry demands and withdraw its forces from the fourth oil well at this oil field, but this wasn’t done. So, the act of hostility is still ongoing. The oil well is completely owned by Iraq and was created after the Algiers Agreement. This is called exporting domestic crises abroad.”

Al-Iraqiya also covered the press conference, saying: Dr. Tariq al-Hashemi, the Iraqi Vice President, said that the Fakka oil well is completely owned by Iraq and the Iranian regime has no rights whatsoever to the well.

The government-run Iraqi TV reported that al-Hashemi highlighted the Iraqi government’s failure to set border standards and expressed shock that the Iranian regime has not received a note of protest from the Iraqi government for its aggression against the oil well.

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