Syrian protests grow after Assad speech

NCRI – Following the Syrian dictator’s speech calling protestors “bacteria,” the atmosphere of protests have intensified against Bashar Assad.

According to AFP, security forces attacked a university campus in Damascus on Tuesday night and arrested 100 students after beating them. The students had staged a sit-in in protest to Bashar Assad’s speech and the arrest of some of their colleagues earlier.


Some students were also fired at by the security forces.

AFP reported that the European Union is considering placing sanctions on three Iranian regime agents involved in the suppression of Syrian protests.

CNN has reported that there are new reports about the Iranian regime’s assistance to the Syrian regime in its bloody suppression of the people.

CNN added that American officials say the Iranian regime’s help includes training killers, sending forces, weapons and other resources for the riot police.

US officials have also been quoted by CNN as saying that the Iranian regime is also supporting other potential Syrian leaders to hedge against an Assad downfall.

According to CNN, following the Assad speech, thousands of people poured into the streets and demanded his removal from power. Some had weapons while others threw their shoes at Assad posters. The gesture of throwing shows in Arabic is extremely derogatory.

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