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Syrian Chief Negotiator on Iran’s Support for Terrorism


NCRI – Salem al-Meslet, the Syrian opposition chief negotiator in the Geneva talks, condemned Iran’s terrorist meddling in Syria and actions against the Iranian people.

“The Iranian and Syrian people have suffered from the Iranian regime’s crimes and terrorism, and this regime is using the Iranian’s people’s wealth for its terrorist plots,” he said in an interview with Iranian opposition affiliated INTV.

We are seeking an end to two dictatorships ruling Tehran and Damascus, and to save all the people of the region from Iran’s terrorist plots, he added.

“The Assad regime wants no solution in Syria and only seeks a military road map,” al-Meslet continued. “But we came to Syria and we are seriously seeking a political transition, which guarantees an end to the Syrian people’s sufferings… however, the Assad regime always resorts to bogus pretexts, which no longer deceives anyone.”

The real terrorism in Syria is ran by the Iranian regime and its measures inside this country, he said, adding we are facing a single mentality shared by Tehran and Damascus who both do not seek real solutions.

“In the Astana talks Iran claimed it is a guarantor; however, and when they were discussing issues, they and their militias, alongside Assad’s militias, were committing the most horrific crimes against the Syrian people in a number of areas,” al-Meslet added.

“We want to put an end to these crimes and arbitrary measures, so that maybe the people of the region will be relieved of the evil of these terrorist plots. The Iranian regime is always behind these measures,” he continued.

“The Iranian people are suffering from this regime. Iran is a very rich country. But unfortunately the Iranian people are suffering from poverty and all the assets of these people are used for terrorist plots pursued by the regime in Tehran. We want to see the end of this and the end of this regime’s plots in Syria and Iran. I hope the Iranian people will rise and stand against this regime’s crimes. A nation that has truly suffered much hardship,” al-Meslet concluded.