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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranSunday's Iran Mini Report - May. 06, 2018

Sunday’s Iran Mini Report – May. 06, 2018


· Iran: Protest in Tehran

TEHRAN, May, 6. A group of people whose investments in “Afzal-e Toos” government-backed financial institution has been plundered, gathered in protest.

They started by taking part in a sit-in on the street floor, and then they marched towards the “Future Bank” building and threw rotten eggs at the bank. The protesters chanted:

This institution is sitting on our money, the protest will continue until you give our money back.

· “Persian Gulf” Transport Company’s employees launch a protest

Persian Gulf Transport Company employees gathered in front of the main door to protest the poor conditions of the company after transferring company management to individuals connected to the regime under the pretext of privatization. This trend has brought the company to the verge of bankruptcy.

· Iran nuke deal on table as Boris Johnson heads to Washington

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson will on Sunday May 6, 2018 begins a two-day visit to Washington, with the Iran nuclear deal, Syria and North Korea on top of the agenda, the Foreign Office said.

Johnson will meet US Vice President Mike Pence, National Security Advisor John Bolton and Congressional foreign policy leaders.

“On so many of the world’s foreign policy challenges the UK and US are in lockstep,” said Johnson, highlighting the joint responses to Russian provocations, North Korea and Syria.

. The Iranian regime’s proxy Houthi militias bomb populated areas in Al-Bayda governorate, Yemen

Aden, Iranian backed Al-Houthi militias have fired Katyusha rockets at residential areas in Al-Berman districts of Al-Zaher Directorate in Al-Bayda governorate in Central Yemen.

Local sources said that the coup militias stationed in their positions in the Abbas region of the Directorate of Thi-Na’am, have targeted with Katyusha rockets populated villages of Ain Al-Berman.

The shelling resulted in damage to the property of residents, including a car belonging to a citizen and other property in the villages.