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Struan Stevenson: Iraq is the winner of elections

Struan Stevenson: Iraq is the winner of electionsNCRI – In a press release today, the President of the European Parliament delegation for relations with Iraq, Mr. Struan Stevenson welcomed the Iraqi people’s choice for a secular state and described the election result as a major defeat for the Iranian regime. His statement follows:

For Immediate Release 27 March 2010

No. 6


Every election has a winner and a loser. In this election, Iraq and the Iraqi people are the winners. Iran and its fascist regime are the losers.

This was the view expressed today by Struan Stevenson, MEP, and the President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq.

Speaking after the election results were announced he said:

“The narrow victory for Dr Ayad Allawi and his non-sectarian, nationalist party is a victory for democracy in the face of violence, intimidation, murder and widespread fraud. Clumsy and aggressive attempts to ban secularist candidates, coupled with massive efforts at vote rigging, were undoubtedly planned and motivated by Tehran, but backfired in a spectacular fashion, driving millions of Sunnis and Shiites alike to vote for peace, security and an end to Iranian meddling.

“I congratulate the brave Iraqi people who turned out in their millions to exercise their democratic rights, even as bombs exploded around them, killing 46 and injuring 140 on polling day alone. This election result may signal a new dawn for Iraq after the years of darkness.
“I hope that through the rapid formation of a nationalist and non-sectarian government, peace, stability and economic prosperity will return to Iraq. The Iraqi people deserve nothing less.”

Struan Stevenson, MEP
President, Delegation for relations with Iraq
The European Parliament
Rue Wiertz, B-1047, Brussels.