Saudi U.N. draft condemns Syrian regime, Hezbollah

As a stunned world watched Saudi Arabia spurn a seat on the U.N Security Council, the Gulf state has been quietly circulating a General Assembly draft resolution that condemns Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria and the regime’s use of chemical weapons and heavy aerial bombardment against the population, Lebanese Daily Star reported.

“All massacres in the Syrian Arab Republic, including most recently the massacre in the Al-Ghouta region on 21 Aug., 2013, which caused appalling civilian casualties in which government forces are suspected to have used chemical weapons which are prohibited under international law, amount to a serious crime,” the draft says.

The resolution also “condemns the intervention of all foreign combatants in Syria, including those fighting on behalf of the regime and in particular Hezbollah,” and demands that “the Syrian government implement the relevant resolutions of United Nations bodies.”

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