Saudi Arabia builds 900km fence along border with Iraq

Saudi Arabia is building a new multilayered fence along its 560-mile (900km) border with Iraq o protect the kingdom from “infiltrators and smugglers,” according to Saudi media.

State news agency SPA reports that the fence is part of the larger project aimed at boosting the kingdom’s security and protecting the nation from “infiltrators, drug traffickers, weapon and cattle smugglers”.

The project includes eight command and control centers, 32 rapid response centers, three rapid intervention squads, 38 back and front gates, 78monitoring towers, 10 monitoring and surveillance vehicles, 1,450,000meters of fiber optics networks and 50 radars.

In mid-July, it was reported that Saudi Arabia sent additional troops, presumably as many as 30,000, to guard the border against the ISIS and Shiite groups from Iraq.

Faleh al-Subai’i, commander of Saudi border guards in the area has said that the ISIS is not important, “It’s a basic terrorist group without any military capability or suchlike. The most important one is the Shiite militia, which is organized with planning behind it,” he said, as quoted by AFP.

Source: RT, AFP

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