Saudi Arabia building up military near Yemen border: U.S. officials


Saudi Arabia is moving heavy military equipment including artillery to areas near its border with Yemen, U.S. officials said on Tuesday, raising the risk that the Middle East’s top oil power will be drawn into the worsening Yemeni conflict, Reuters reported.

The buildup followed a southward advance by Iranian-backed Houthi Shi’ite militants who took control of the capital Sanaa in September and seized the central city of Taiz.

Early Wednesday, the Houthis took over Al Anad, a key southern air base, extending their recent military push southward from San’a in central Yemen. They claimed the base after having moved hundreds of their forces into the southern al-Dali and Lahij provinces on Tuesday, according to four Lahij military officials.

Yemeni special forces loyal to the Houthis later overran the Aden airport and captured the city’s central bank headquarters, according to senior airport official Ameen Juman.

That put the Houthis ever closer the Western-backed Mr. Hadi and his security forces, who have been trying to hold out against an intensifying assault.

One of Mr. Hadi’s aides said that following the takeover of the base, he was evacuated from the presidential complex where he has been staying in Aden and taken to a secure location elsewhere in the city. Three airstrikes, apparently carried out by the Houthi-controlled air force, hit the complex in the afternoon, according to Aden officials.

The Houthis’ latest push toward Aden began with Sunday’s assault on the southern city of Taiz. Houthi fighters took over the airport and some government buildings and set up checkpoints. The city’s governor resigned on Tuesday, effectively giving control to the Houthis.

Thousands of people have taken to the streets daily in Taiz to protest the Houthis’ presence since Sunday. Eight demonstrators died there and 45 were injured Tuesday in clashes with Houthi security forces, organizers said.

Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi has officially requested the League of Arab States to deploy troops in the country to stop a takeover of his government by Houthis.

The Arab League’s deputy secretary general said Wednesday that the proposal from Yemen’s foreign minister would be considered Thursday, Reuters reported.

Riad Yassin called on Arab states Wednesday to intervene militarily to halt the Shiite militia’s advance.
“Yemen’s foreign minister proposed the idea today … in a meeting with the Arab League Secretary General,” Ahmed Ben Hilli, told the Al Arabiya Al Hadath television channel. “The issue will be presented tomorrow at the foreign ministers’ level.”
Source: Agencies

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