Saturday’s Iran Mini Report – May. 19, 2018


• Latest European companies affected by sanctions

French gas and power group Engie, Polish gas firm PGNiG and German lender DZ Bank were the latest companies on Friday to say that their business dealings with Iran would be affected by the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions.

• Germany’s DZ Bank to halt Iran transactions in July

2 lender DZ Bank said on Friday it will suspend financial transactions with Iran in July following U.S. President Donald Trump’s pullout from the nuclear deal with Tehran.

“We will completely suspend our foreign payment transactions related to Iran starting July 1st,” said a spokesman for Frankfurt-based DZ Bank, which is the umbrella organization of German cooperative bank chain Raiffeisen-Volksbanken.

• Pompeo to lay out Plan B for Iran

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will deliver a speech Monday at the Heritage Foundation that lays out a “comprehensive strategy” for what the United States, European countries and others can do to rein in Iran’s nuclear and non-nuclear activities, officials said.

“We need a new framework that’s going to address the totality of Iran’s threats,”Brian Hook, a senior adviser to Pompeo told reporters in a conference call Friday. “We see an opportunity to counter and address Iran’s nuclear and proliferation threats and to create a better nonproliferation and deterrence architecture for Iran and the regio.

• Protest of Workers and Contractors of Iran’s Tehran Metro Line 3 against Wage Arrears

On Thursday, May 17, 2018, Tehran Metro workers and contractors held a protest rally demanding their delayed salaries.

Tehran Metro Line 3, the longest subway line in the Middle East, is 37 miles long. It facilitates the transportation of 14 million Tehran Metropolis citizens.

• Kazerun in Turmoil On Third Day Of Protests

According to the news from inside Kazerun, the protests and clashed lasted until 2:30 pm local time on Friday, May 18, 2018, leaving Kazerun in turmoil and in a war-zone like situation.

The youth in Kazerun attacked the security forces from 10 pm (Thursday night), and sent them fleeing from the scene of protests.

• Women are present everywhere as nationwide protests continue

Protests by all social strata continue all across Iran and women are present in every scene.

The residents of Kazeroun took to the streets again on Thursday, May 17, 2018, to protest against the atrocities of security forces the night before. And again they were attacked. Clashes spread throughout the city and the city’s atmosphere was tense all day.

On the same day, plundered women and men gathered in protest outside the Caspian Institute’s branch in Bassij Square of Kerman, southern Iran, against the company’s pilfering of their savings and deposits.

On May 16, 2018, the wives of HEPCO workers joined their husbands on the third day of their protest and sit-in.

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