Saturday’s Iran Mini Report – June 23, 2018

Saturday's Iran Mini Report - June 23, 2018

• U.S. Asks Japan to Halt Iran Oil Buying in Harder Stance

The U.S. has asked Japan to completely halt oil imports from Iran, going beyond the reductions that were demanded when sanctions were imposed earlier this decade, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

While American government officials made the request during talks with Japanese counterparts in Tokyo this week, no decision has been reached and discussions will continue later, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the matter is confidential. When U.S. President Donald Trump decided to renew sanctions against Iran last month, his administration gave its allies 180 days to reduce purchases from the OPEC producer.

• UN advisory orgs issue statement on Iran’s 1988 massacre

June 22, 2018 – As the 38th annual United Nations Human Rights Council session begins in Geneva, and on the verge of the 30th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners in Iran based on the criminal order issued by Iranian regime founder Ruhollah Khomeini, three UN advisor organizations issued a statement officially recognizing this atrocity and calling for an international probe to place those responsible before justice.

France Liberte, the Movement against Racism and For Friendship Amongst Nations (MRAP) and the International Women’s Human Rights Association issued their letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad Al Hussein.

“The human rights situation in Iran continues to deteriorate. The Iranian regime responded to May’s peaceful demonstration of Kazerun in the south by opening fire, leaving at least four dead and many others injured.

• Mike Pompeo tweets against the Iranian regime

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo issued a series of tweets on Wednesday and Thursday describing growing unrest in Iran and suggesting the reasons for it.

Pompeo’s tweets come as many, including in the US Congress, look to the Trump administration to clarify its strategy and objectives in Iran following its decision six weeks ago to withdraw from the Iranian nuclear deal.

• Municipality Workers Protest Against Expulsion

On Friday, June 22, 2018, after the expulsion of 80 municipality workers in Eshtehard, located in the province of Alborz, workers of the municipality protested against these expulsions in a gathering in front of the city’s Governorate.

According to a report from inside Iran, dozens of dismissed workers from the Eshtehard Municipality gathered in the city’s governorate to demand the return to work.

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