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HomeIran News NowWorld News IranSaturday's Iran Mini Report - December 1, 2018

Saturday’s Iran Mini Report – December 1, 2018

Saturday's Iran Mini Report - December 1, 2018

• 22nd day of strike by steel workers of Ahvaz

The 22nd day of strike by the Ahvaz Alloyed Steel National Industrial Group has started in front of the Khuzestan provincial building. Protesters carry placards reading: Workers are aware and disgusted of exploitation. And don’t victimize workers for Mafia of brokers.

• 27th day of strike and protests by sugarcane mill workers in city of Shush

The 27th day of strike by the workers of Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Mill has started today December 1 in front of the governorate building of the Shush in Southwest Iran. The main demands of the workers are; revoking the privatization and entrusting the company to public sector. Collective management, releasing the jailed workers, and paying the overdue salaries.

• Asia’s Iran oil imports plunge to five-year low in October

Imports of Iranian crude oil by major buyers in Asia hit a five-year low in October, as China, Japan and South Korea sharply cut purchases ahead of U.S. sanctions on Tehran that took effect in early November, government and ship-tracking data showed.

China, India, Japan and South Korea last month imported about 762,000 barrels per day (bpd) from Iran, according to the data, down 56.4 percent from a year earlier.

This marks the lowest volume of shipments since October 2013, when an earlier round of tough U.S. and E.U. sanctions had slashed exports from the OPEC member starting from early 2012.

• Iran Bitcoin Users Affected by US Sanctions
I ranian sources say that some of them are no longer able to access the cryptocurrency swap platform ShapeShift, even when using virtual private networks (VPNs). As such, the sanctions appear to be already impacting Iranians who want to make lawful use of cryptocurrencies.

Some of the favored wallets among Iranians are Electrom, Atomic, Exodus, Samourai Wallet and Wasabi Wallet, especially its CoinJoin feature that sends many transactions in batches all at once to make it harder to track specific wallets. According to several Iranian developers, interest in the privacy coin zcash is also far more common these days, Bitcoin Desk reported.

 • Iran Sugarcane labor activist tortured in detention

Reports from human rights sources indicate that an outspoken labor activist, Esmail Bakhshi, who represents the workers of the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane mill was tortured in prison.

The report says that he was beaten in the face and head and that his face was bruised and swollen. He is also suffering from internal bleeding as a result of the torture.
On Thursday, the union published a statement saying Bakhshi “was hospitalized in a security clinic in Ahvaz”, the capital of Khuzestan, but he was later returned to the initial detention facility.

• Iran Executes Man Amid Fight Over Mental Health

A prisoner was hanged on Thursday November 29, in Taft city, Yazd Province, according to the city’s Public Relations Justice Department.

The man was sentenced to death on January 21, 2018, for the murder of a 36-year-old woman.

Iranian media reported earlier that the defendant was a 19-year-old man with mental illness and was hospitalized a few days before the incident.

The execution of this convict and all other judiciary processes were carried out in less than 10 months, rising concern over lack of sufficient due process.

Three other men convicted of Moharebeh (waging war against God) for armed robbery were hanged this month from cranes in a scene witnessed by large crowds in Shiraz, south-central Iran.

• Members of Persecuted Baha’i Faith Arrested Amid Surge in Persecution Of The Minority

On Wednesday, November 28, security agents arrested two Baha’is in Karaj near Tehran and took them to an unknown location. The two detainees have been identified as Neda Shabani and Soroush Agahi.

Meanwhile, Dorri Amri (Esmailpour), 44, began serving her one-year prison sentence in Vakilabad Prison in the Iranian city of Mashhad on November 14, 2018, for allegedly propagating her Baha’i faith, according to the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

More than 20 Baha’is have been arrested in various cities in the provinces of Tehran, Isfahan, Mazandaran, and East Azerbaijan in the last two weeks alone. Over 90 Baha’is currently remain imprisoned in Iran, BIC reported.

• Imprisoned Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh Starts New Course Of Hunger Strike For Fellow Prisoner

Imprisoned Lawyer and human rights activist Nasrin Sotoudeh started a second hunger strike on Monday, November 26, 2018, protesting the Iranian authorities’ refusing to allow ill political prisoner Farhad Meysami to receive hospital treatment.

In a message from Evin prison, Sotoudeh announced her hunger strike saying, “I had broken my strike for the life of Farhad, hoping that Farhad would also break his hunger strike so that his health would not be harmed anymore. But by continuing his hunger strike, Farhad continues to stand up for his rightful demands, and I will go on a wet hunger strike in support of Farhad starting today, Monday, November 26.”