Saturday’s Iran Mini Report – August 18, 2018

Saturday's Iran Mini Report - August 18, 2018

• Iran: Youths chanting anti-regime slogans in Tehran football match

Azadi Stadium, Tehran On Friday evening a football match between the teams of Tehran Persepolis and Masjed Suleiman Naft (Oil) in the capital’s Azadi Stadium became the scene of an anti-regime protest.

“Mullahs must get lost,” the youths were seen chanting, sources say.

This match was held as a high number of security forces were present at the scene. Many police and anti-riot units were dispatched to the stadium. Reports indicate the youths clashed with the security forces.

This is the second consecutive week that protests are erupting during soccer/football matches.

• Police Raid A Night Party And Arrest 40 Youth In Iran

Forty young people have been detained at a mixed-gender “night party” in Birjand, the capital city of South Khorasan province, the local Prosecutor General has disclosed.

The detainees are 20-30-year old, the Islamic Republic’s official News Agency, IRNA, cited the Prosecutor as saying.

“The detainees, sixteen males and 24 females, were arrested and charged for playing music, as well as other social misconduct”, said Ahmad Reza A’rab Sheibanei.

• Iran Guardian Council deems amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering law

Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei, the Guardian Council spokesman announced via twitter that the oversight body considered the amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering law is in contravention with the country’s Constitution and Sharia law.

Majlis (Iran regime’s parliament) has amended the anti-money laundering law in line with moves to combat the financing of terrorism, Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has announced.

According to the amendment, threatening or taking violent actions which cause physical harms and also taking hostages and endangering the people’s lives intending to affect the decisions of the government and/or the international bodies are considered terrorist move, ISNA reported on Friday.

Financial support for terrorism is punishable by seizure of the money and properties and 2 to 5 years’ imprisonment.

Iran Guardian Council deems amendment to the Anti-Money Laundering law.

• US committed to expel Iran and its allied militias out of Syria

The US States department announced on Friday that it is committed to expel Iran and its allied militias out of Syria.

The US State Department official said there will be no global reconstruction funding for Syria until a “credible and irreversible” political process led by the United Nations is underway.

The US is remaining in Syria, and will focus on ‘enduring defeat’ of ISIS, said the US official.

• Security expert speculates on split-up among Iran Revolutionary Guards’ leaders

Senior leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are likely to split up and leave the country secretly, according to American expert Michael Pregent, a senior fellow in Hudson Institute.

In a panel organized by Hudson Institute recently to discuss Iran, the effectiveness of the US “Maximum Pressure” campaign, the Iranian regime’s ability to navigate sanctions, and the country’s widening protests, Pregent said that reports indicate that senior officials in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps resigned.

• Female political prisoner Zainab Jalalian denied medical care for 11 years in Iran prison

Female political prisoner Zainab Jalalian has been denied medical care and access to medical facilities for 11 years despite her deteriorating health conditions.

Amnesty International stated in an urgent call for action dated June 15, 2018, that Zainab Jalalian is exposed to torture by being denied medical care.

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