sanctions for rights violations prelude to more UN sanctions against regime, official warns

NCRI – An official in the Iranian regime’s parliament says the recent US decision to ‎blacklist eight regime officials for gross human rights violations is a prelude to the ‎adoption of fresh sanctions at the UN Security Council against Tehran, the state-run Mehr ‎news agency reported on Wednesday.‎

The deputy speaker of the Majlis (parliament) Security and Foreign Policy Committee, ‎Heshmatollah , said, “The US is acting as the instigator, imposing additional ‎sanctions and compelling the Europeans to impose their own sanctions on top of (UN) ‎resolutions, in order to build an anti-Iran culture and prepare other countries for future ‎resolutions against Iran.”‎

Expressing worries about the outcome of Washington’s initiative, he added, “The US is ‎trying to preserve the psychological ambiance characterized by sanctions against Iran and ‎to raise issues that would prompt more sanctions against the country.”‎

Last month, Washington slapped sanctions targeting eight Iranian regime officials who ‎are complicit in gross human rights violations against the Iranian people. As a result, the ‎US assets of the eight regime officials will be seized and they will be banned from ‎entering the US.‎

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