Russia will only reimburse regime for “advance payment” of S-300 missiles

Sergei ChemezovNCRI – Russia has announced that it will not reimburse the Iranian regime for the full amount of the contract ‎for the purchase of S-300 missiles, which the Kremlin last month said it will not deliver after it was ‎outlawed by UN sanctions.

On Thursday, , head of Russia’s state weapons exporter Rostekhnologii, said Moscow ‎had cancelled the contract and would only pay the Iranian regime its down payment of $166 million. ‎‎”We are not obliged to return a [cent] more,” he added, according to Ria Novosti.‎

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed an order on 22 September on compliance measures with ‎UN sanctions against the Iranian regime, the Russian news agency added.‎

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