Revealing true nature of the so-called ‘reformists’ in Iran


NCRI – Sadegh ZibaKalam, an Iran regime’s political figure close to Rafsanjani, has made significant confessions during statements aimed at defending Rafsanjani.

According to revolutionary guard’s Fars news agency on Setember 18, in an interview with “Panjareh” weekly, Zibakalam has said: “Not one of today’s reformists, I reiterate it, not one of today’s reformists, did care a bit about the issues like freedom of speech, freedom of thought, rule of law or free elections during the 80s. From Mohammad Khatami (former President) to Taj Zadeh (former Deputy Interior Minister), Hajarian (former deputy of Ministry of Intelligence), Mousavi Khoeiniha(), Ali Akbar Mohtashami Poor (former member of regime’s parliament), Karubi (former speaker of regime’s parliament) and Mir Hossein Mousavi (former Prime Minister).”

ZibaKalam added: “Rafsanjani cannot say that what they did during the 80s was wrong because if he acknowledges that they were wrong, he will not be the only one who would be called into question. Rather, it will actually put Khomeini under question … and this will be equivalent to acknowledging that the system, Khomeini, the Islamic Republican Party and the Revolutionary Council have been wrong.”

Acknowledging in part of the interview that the anti-monarchy revolution was confiscated by Khomeini and the Mullahs, Zibakalam says: “Our main dispute with Shah was over these same issues (freedom of speech, freedom of thought, rule of law and free elections)… while following the revolution, instead of these democratic goals which were essentially the reason for our conflict with Shah, other issues like conflict with the west and feud with the United States were raised as the main reasons for our uprising, thus casting a shadow on those democratic goals.

By pointing to a hypothetical example, Zibakalam added: “If someone from planet Mars came to Iran in 1980, by checking out the society, press, political groups and leaders of the revolution, he would have definitely turned back to Mars assuming that the reason for Iranian revolution and their uprising against Shah was that people wanted to fight against the United States and Israel and to export the Islamic Revolution to the region and the world, but Shah was preventing them from doing so.”

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