Protestors in Baghdad told Ahmainejad: “Your mortars preceded your visit”

NCRI – On Monday, thousands of protesters in Baghdad protested Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq, a day after demonstrations in various cities across Iraq.
“Your mortars preceded your visit," one placard read. In Baghdad’s neighborhood of Adhamiyah protestors carried a banner reading: "Adhamiyah residents condemn the visit by Ahmadinejad to the Baghdad of al-Rashid," Associated Press reported.

NCRI – On Monday, thousands of protesters in Baghdad protested Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq, a day after demonstrations in various cities across Iraq.
“Your mortars preceded your visit," one placard read. In Baghdad’s neighborhood of Adhamiyah protestors carried a banner reading: "Adhamiyah residents condemn the visit by Ahmadinejad to the Baghdad of al-Rashid," Associated Press reported.
On Sunday hundreds in Fallujah protested Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq.  The demonstration which passed through various streets in Fallujah was staged by political parties, organizations and unions in the city.

"The demonstration is a message by the Iraqi people to denounce the Iranian regime’s role in backing up the militias that killed hundreds of the Iraqi people," Sabah al-Alwani, a politician taking part in the demonstration in Fallujah, told an Iraqi radio station.

In a gathering in northern city of Kirkuk, Iraqis hammered a banner onto the wall reading in Arabic “We denounce Iran’s intervention in Iraqi affairs,” AFP reported on Sunday.

In last few days hundreds of demonstrators marched the streets of Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of the capital, chanting anti-Ahmadinejad slogans. They burned his pictures and many held banners including one that read: "We condemn visit of terrorist and butcher Ahmadinejad to Iraq," Associated Press reported on Saturday.

Ahmadinejad’s visit to Iraq has prompted widespread protests by Iraqi political personalities and parties critical of Iranian regime’s meddling in Iraq.

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