Prominent Austrian MP: We must support democratic forces and women in the middle East to avoid another reactionary government like Iran

NCRI – Austrian (SPÖ) Socialist Party’s international Relations spokesperson Petra Bayer described violations of human rights under the mullahs ruling Iran and the anti-human treatment of the Iranian people by this regime as highly disturbing and like a thorn in the eyes of defenders of human rights. She said: Iranian women and men have the right to freely express their opinions.


Bayer said: Iranian regime’s approach to the international peace community is that they continue their dreadful violation of human rights and continue to threaten the countries in the region by their nuclear program.

Bayer who is a member of the Austrian Parliament’s Human Rights Committee expressly said that the Iranian regime’s internal policy shows how a revolution has followed a reactionary path in the worse possible sense in the social, economic, and cultural areas; for this reason, we must support the Arab Spring and the democratic forces in the Middle East, especially women since they desire a progressive and peaceful society and support freedom of the press and opinions.

Supporting such forces will prevent a second government like Iran to take shape in the Middle East.

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