Pentagon report to accuse Iran of fueling Iraq strife: media

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A Pentagon report to be released Tuesday will accuse Iran of continuing to funnel weapons and technology to fighters in neighboring Iraq even as it cites lower violence overall, US media said.

Fewer fatalities among US and Iraqi troops and wider installation of basic services such as electricity are to be among the positives cited by the US military assessment of Iraq, the Wall Street Journal said citing officials familiar with the report to be given to Congress.

The report "also will reiterate US accusations that Iran is sending sophisticated explosives, rockets and mortars into Iraq," the newspaper said.

"It’s not arguing that Iran’s behavior is getting worse, but it’s also not arguing that Iran’s behavior is getting better," the report quoted one US officer as saying.

The assessment was also to highlight political instability and the difficulties faced by the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

US commanders have in the past accused Iran of providing covert support to Iraq extremists, but amid a sharp reduction in violence in recent weeks they have said the alleged support appears to have ended.

Iran has consistently denied providing Iraqi militias with funding or training.

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