Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Iran Concerned Over Future of Airbus/Boeing Deals

NCRI - Recent remarks by the US Treasury Secretary has raised concerns in Iran and undermined the Airbus and Boeing deals. Last week US Treasury...

US Senate to Vote on New Sanctions Against Iran Regime

United States Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is turning the Senate toward passing tougher sanctions against Iran's regime, The Hill reported late on Monday....

Al Arabiya English Op-Ed: World Must Tackle Iran Regime’s Rogue Behavior

The mullahs’ regime in Iran is “undeniably a rogue and authoritarian regime determined to gain and impose an illegitimate dominance across the region, meddle...

Khamenei Has Failed to Unify Iran Regime – Forbes Oped

People familiar with the true nature of the Iranian regime understand that recent remarks by some of regime’s officials are signals of weakness, desperation,...

Head of the Syrian Delegation. It Is Impossible to Accept Iran as a Guarantor...

NCRI - After seven years Iran’s militias and Russia are ruling Syria, not the Assad regime. Tehran is an accomplice with Damascus in destruction, forced...

Townhall Op-Ed: What Does Rouhani’s Second Term Mean?

The incumbent Hassan Rouhani has been selected, not “elected,” to a second-term as the Iranian regime’s president, as announced by the officials on May...

Iran: Internal Disputes Following New US Senate Sanctions

NCRI - Following the adoption of new sanctions in the US Senate against Iran, a new round of disputes have begun amongst Iran’s factions. “If...

The Sunday Telegraph: If You Think a ‘Moderate’ Has Won in Iran, Think Again

The Iranian regime’s President Hassan Rouhani is an “utterly ruthless operator”, who had presided since 2013 over a collapsing economy and what Amnesty International...

Conference Held in Italian Parliament: The Need for a Decisive Policy Against Mullahs’ Dictatorship...

NCRI - Presided over by former Italian FM Giulio Terzi and with participation of a number of Italian senators and MPs, a press conference was...

Iran Regime Under More Threat Than Ever as International Community Draws Attention to Its...

Following President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia last week, the state-run media in Iran has had a lot to say. One outlet quoted...