Monday, July 22, 2024

Why US Sanctions on IRGC Are Good for the Iranian People and the International...

NCRI Staff NCRI - Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, a political scientist and Iran expert, wrote an op-ed for Arab News explaining why Trump’s decision to impose...

Trump’s Decision on Iran Nuclear Deal Is Support for the Iranian People

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Donald Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal on Friday should be seen as standing in solidarity with the Iranian people,...

Egypt: U.S. President’s Statement in Accordance With Concerns Towards Iran Regime

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Egypt said Saturday it is following with concern the announcement of the new US strategy towards Iran. According to a statement from...

Joe Lieberman: “North Korea and Iran Are an Alliance of Evil Aimed at the...

NCRI Staff NCRI - October 15, 2017. Joe Lieberman joined FNC's Maria Bartiromo to discuss the president's choice to leave the Iran nuclear deal up to...

U.S. President Receives Praise for the New Iran Strategy

  NCRI Staff NCRI - On Friday, President of the United States Donald Trump said that he is not going to sign off on the Iran nuclear...

Iran Regime’s State-Run Media: Trump Tears up JCPOA

NCRI Staff NCRI - The state-run media reacted to the consequences of the new U.S strategy, reflecting this event with titles such as "Trump tears...

Iran Regime’s Way of Deceiving the West

NCRI Staff NCRI - Earlier this week, the Atlantic published an article by the Foreign Minister of Iran Javad Zarif. As per most comments from...

Iran Regime Considers Transition to Parliamentary System, Why?

NCRI Staff NCRI - A number of Iranian regime MPs are to write a letter to regime leader Ali Khamenei, asking him to issue a...

Why We Need Regime Change in Iran?

NCRI Staff NCRI - In recent weeks, we have noticed a spike in news about Iran and explicitly what is called Iran Deal, both from...

Stop Appeasing the Iranian Regime and Start Sanctioning Them

  NCRI Staff NCRI - We must stop conceding to the Iranian Regime’s every demand and start imposing sanctions, according to a noted human rights activist and...