Monday, July 22, 2024

The U.S. Administration’s Pick for the Iran Post Will Likely Back a More Aggressive...

  The Trump administration plans to install a political appointee at the State Department to a key position managing policy on Iran and Iraq, a...

Lebanese PM Slams Iran Regime-Backed Iraqi Militia

Saad Hariri orders group leader Qais al-Khazali banned from country after trip organized by Hezbollah, whose regional interventions have drawn premier's ire By AGENCIES...

World Powers Want to Stabilise Lebanon Against Iran Regime

  NCRI Staff NCRI - World powers are trying to stabilise Lebanon, on Friday, December 8, by pushing the Iranian Regime to stop interfering in the country’s...

Iran Regime Hacking Group Exposed

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Top cyber security researchers at ClearSky Cyber Security believe that they have linked three hackers, including the man who allegedly hacked into...

France and Germany: Iran Must “Roll Back” Ballistic Missile Programme and Stop Destabilising the...

  NCRI Staff NCRI - The French foreign minister announced that France and Germany have agreed that the Iranian Regime Iran must "roll back" its malign ballistic...

The Danger of Overlooking Iran Regime in North Korean Missile Problem

  NCRI Staff NCRI - The North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile launch in the early hours of Wednesday morning sent shockwaves across the world and many are...

Iran: Preparation for Taking Next Poisoned Chalices

NCRI Staff NCRI - On Monday November 13, 2017, Rouhani submitted a bill to Iranian regime’s parliament to join the International Convention for the Suppression...

Tehran’s Conduct Following the Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA)

  Intensification of terrorism, belligerence, ballistic missile program The following report is compiled by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. Introduction Four...

Iran Regime’s Revolutionary Guards Warned Over Iraq by U.S.

  The director of the CIA says he sent a letter to an Iranian general warning him that Washington will hold Tehran responsible for any...

France’s Approach to Iran Regime’s Belligerence

NCRI Staff NCRI - The international community is starting to respond differently to Iran, its belligerence, the nuclear deal and its ballistic missile program. It appears that...