Friday, July 19, 2024
Iran: Pressure on Regime Is Maintained

Iran: Pressure on Regime Is Maintained

By Amir Taghati The latest sanctions on Iran came into effect last week in the midst of the U.S. midterm elections. Iran was hoping that...
Iran Trying to Bypass U.S. Sanctions on Its Oil Sector

Iran Trying to Bypass U.S. Sanctions on Its Oil Sector

By Shahriar Kia SHANA, the oil ministry news website reported that Iran – in a second attempt to bypass U.S. sanctions – sold 700,000...
Pompeo: Iran’s Mullahs Must Decide to Feed the Iranian People

Pompeo: Iran’s Mullahs Must Decide to Feed the Iranian People

By Shahriar Kia US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told BBC Persia that the Iranian regime’s leaders must decide whether the Iranian people should...
The Us Still Wants Iran Exports Cut to Zero

The US Still Wants Iran Exports Cut to Zero

By Staff Writer United States Special Representative on Iran Brian Hook said on Wednesday that the US is still determined to push Iranian oil...
Insurer Pulls out of Iran to Avoid Us Sanctions

Insurer Pulls out of Iran to Avoid Us Sanctions

By Staff Writer The latest company to abandon business dealings with Iran to avoid US economic sanctions is insurer American International Group Inc (AIG),...
Iran: Being Cut off From SWIFT System Is Crucial for U.S. Maximum Pressure Campaign

Iran: Being Cut off From SWIFT System Is Crucial for U.S. Maximum Pressure Campaign

By Mahmoud Hakamian There have been reports about the internal disputes within the Trump administration with regards to the U.S. sanctions on Iran that are...
U.S. Sanctions on Iran Showing Signs of Success Already

U.S. Sanctions on Iran Showing Signs of Success Already

By Mohammad Sadat Khansari U.S President Donald Trump pulled out of the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), also known as the 2015 nuclear deal,...
Iran: Consequences of U.S. Sanctions

Iran: Consequences of U.S. Sanctions

By Shahriar Kia Earlier this year, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the United States would be exiting the 2015 nuclear deal and that...
Potential Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Iran

Potential Impact of U.S. Sanctions on Iran

By Amir Taghati Yesterday, the newest batch of U.S. sanctions on Iran will took effect. In this round, Iran’s oil, banking, energy and shipping...
U.S. President: Global Oil Supply Sufficient to Survive Iran Sanctions

U.S. President: Global Oil Supply Sufficient to Survive Iran Sanctions

By Shahriar Kia Donald Trump said on Wednesday that there is sufficient global supply of oil to allow all countries to significantly reduce their...