Tuesday, July 16, 2024
shahrood university

More restrictions against female university students in Iran

NCRI - According to a new directive announced by Shahrood University in northern Iran, the female students must observe the new dress code...

U.S. professional groups cut Iran links

United Press International -- U.S. professional associations are putting the screws to Iran by suspending collaborative and other ties with their Iranian counterparts....

Now, two nuclear deadlines

Chicago Tribune - Editorial - For years now, the Iranians have ignored deadlines to stop their nuclear program. They've been masterful at playing for...

Stop the bully – Iran World News

Bradenton Herald - Only united front will deter rogue like Iran Once again, it appears Iran has thumbed its nose at the West - and...

Iran finds weak West-Iran World News

Edmonton Sun - By SALIM MANSUR - Taking British sailors hostage just a test of strength The insolence of the thuggish regime in Iran is...

Britain’s humiliation will embolden Iran

Press-Register - AMERICANS SHOULD be deeply troubled by the spectacle of the once-mighty British lion slinking away from a confrontation with the jackals of...

France calls in Iranian ambassador over detained Britons

Agence France Presse - The French foreign ministry on Thursday called in Iran's ambassador to Paris to demand the release of 15 British naval...
Iranian lawmakers feared 'social upheaval' from sanctions: report

Iranian lawmakers feared ‘social upheaval’ from sanctions: report

Agence France Presse, PARIS, January 20 - An Iranian parliamentary report several months ago warned the powers in Tehran that heavy international sanctions could...
Gates Says U.S. Has Few Options to Halt Iran's Atomic Plans

Gates Says U.S. Has Few Options to Halt Iran’s Atomic Plans

By DAVID S. CLOUDThe New York Times, MANAMA, Bahrain, January 19 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates on Thursday played down the possibility of...

EU to move on imposing UN sanctions against Iran

Agence France Presse, BRUSSELS - The European Union will call next week for the full and rapid implementation of UN Security Council sanctions against...