Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran detains another US-Iranian national: report

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Iran has detained another US-Iranian national, described as a social scientist with links to the same pro-democracy foundation as a prominent...

Iranian youths savagely beaten by security forces in Tehran

NCRI -  Crackdown of youths continues in Iran. For the sixth night, the special units of regime's  State Security Forces raided houses and dragged...

Iran, U.S.-allied Arabs relations heat up

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Iran and its U.S.-allied Arab neighbors have long had testy relations. Now the talk is getting tougher as they compete...

70,000 Afghans expelled from Iran in a month: UN

KABUL (AFP) - More than 70,000 Afghans who were in Iran illegally have been returned in the past month, the United Nations said Monday,...

Iran: regime’s official defends forced veiling

NCRI - The advisor to the Minister and head of Women's Affairs in Education Ministry, Zahra Soweizi called the Iranian women's positions 'very humiliating,'...

Harsh words for Iran at Mideast forum

SOUTHERN SHUNEH, Jordan (Associated Press) - Washington's Arab allies harshly criticized Iran's growing influence in the Middle East, telling the country's top diplomat at...
youth beaten

Iran: Regime’s agents beat youths in streets of Tehran

NCRI - For the third consecutive night, Iranian regime's notorious State Security Forces attacked houses and arrested a number of youths for 'non-conforming to...

Employees fired in Iran

NCRI - Zahedan, Southeast Iran, Chairman of the 547 co-operative in Zahedan, fired all its employees. The employees had not received payment and benefits...

Mandatory veiling in Iran

NCRI - Tehran and Khoram-Abad (western Iran), Subsequent to the clerical regime's nationwide crackdown on women, mandatory dress codes is now being enforced for...
Ahwaz University

Disciplinary measures for students in Iran

NCRI - Following student demonstrations in various universities in Iran, disciplinary measures were taken against a number of students in Ahwaz University (southern Iran)...