Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Secret Meeting in the Glass Palace

The terrorist list which includes terror suspects has caused problems in the Parliament in Strasbourg.Is Brussels paying attention to the strong meeting partners in...

Iran divestment bill passes

Assembly sends the Senate a measure with mandates for CalPERS and CalSTRS.Source: SacBee (California)By Gilbert Chan - Bee Staff WriterCalifornia lawmakers took a step...

Iran seizes three Finns

Source: NewsRoom FinlandIran has seized three Finns in the Persian Gulf, Finnish commercial broadcaster MTV3 reported late on Tuesday.The Finnish foreign ministry later confirmed...

US suspects Iran-linked gang behind Britons’ kidnap

BAGHDAD (AFP) - US commanders suspect that an Iraqi militant cell with links to Iran's Revolutionary Guards was behind last week's abduction of five...

Suspected EFP facilitator with links to Iran detained

NCRI - Iraqi and Coalition Forces detained one suspect and killed another Monday morning during raids in Baghdad, according to U.S. Department of Defense...

There’s No Negotiating With Iran

Source: Townhall.comBy Kathryn Jean LopezIt's not 1979, and we're not watching it every night on television. But Iran has taken hostages again. Does anyone...

Tehran’s Youths Attacked the Governmental Centers and Buses

NCRI - On Friday June 1st during a soccer match in Azadi Stadium, young people attacked and damaged governmental centers and buses.This protesting act...

Iranian regime employing new methods for murdering the Iraqi people

NCRI - The Iraqi newspaper, Al-Zaman on May 31st reported: Murder of innocent people using gas cylinders made by Iranian regime is a deadly...

Ahmadinejad attack on Israel ‘unacceptable’: French FM

PARIS (AFP) - French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner Monday condemned the latest anti-Israeli outburst by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as "unacceptable" and incompatible with...

Spain calls Iran ambassador over Ahmadinejad’s anti-Israel comments

MADRID  (AFP) - Spain will summon Iran's ambassador to condemn the "unacceptable" anti-Israeli outburst made by Iran's president over the weekend, Foreign Minister Miguel...