Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How a Saudi Minister Responded to Iran Regime’s New Envoy in Iraq

Saudi minister of state for the Gulf region Thamer Al-Sabhan slammed Iran's recent appointment of an envoy in Iraq and its statement calling for...

Kurdistan Region Rejects Iran Regime’s Request to Close Saudi Consulate in Erbil

NCRI - Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) rejected the request by an Iran regime's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) commander to close Saudi Consulate in Erbil calling...

Syrian Opposition Groups Welcome Astana Meeting

NCRI - The Syrian opposition negotiating high commission announced their support for the Astana talks in Kazakhstan, Al-Arabiya reported on January 15, 2017. At the...

Why Rafsanjani’s Death Offers the US a Unique Opportunity to Reshape Its Iran Policy

The following is an insightful article analyzing the current political situation in Iran after the death of Rafsanjani, written On Jaunary 13, by Alireza...

Iran: Interpreting the Conflict Between Rival Bands in Rafsanjani’s Funeral

NCRI - The consequences of Rafsanjani’s death appeared much sooner than expected during his funeral, turning the ceremony into a battle scene between the rival...

Iran, Rafsanjani, International Terrorism and the False Appearance of Moderation

Iran dealing with shock of Trump's election, death of its leader Donald Trump’s election as the next president of the United States presents the...

U.S. Defense Secretary Nominee James Mattis Warns of Iran Regime’s Threats to Region

Former Gen. James Mattis said at his confirmation hearing to serve as the next U.S. secretary of defense that he regards the Iranian regime...

A Trump Administration’s Effective Iran Policy Should Have an Eye to the Mullahs’ Weakening...

On January 11, IJR published an article by Soona Samsami the representative in the United States for the National Council of Resistance of Iran...

Recommit to Ridding Iran of the Clerical Regime

How Team Trump should handle the failing Iran deal Wasn’t President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal — what he considers his top foreign-policy achievement —...

Iran Regime’s Factional Feuding Escalates During Rafsanjani’s Funeral

NCRI - The burial ceremony of Hashemi Rafsanjani became a prelude for the divide and factional feuding among Iran regime different bands. Some state-run media...