Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Iran’s Middle East Aggression Is About to Come to a Juddering

PRESS RELEASE For immediate release 7th February 2017 The Iranian regime’s days of aggressive expansionism in the Middle East are about to come to a...

Iran Regime’s Grave Miscalculation

ANALYSIS: Iran feeling US policy shift after Obama There are signs of the Iranian regime establishment being caught off guard after trekking into uncharted...

How to Truly Bring Iran’s Mullahs to Their Knees

Following a week of high tensions between the Trump administration and Iran, it was quite interesting to see how Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei,...

Sudanese President: Iran Regime Must Be Stopped

In an exclusive interview with Al Arabiya's General Manager Turki Aldakhil, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir discussed Sudan's participation in the Decisive Storm Operation in...

Germany Supports the U.S. Sanctions Against the Iran Regime

NCRI - The German Foreign Minister stipulated that Iran has blatantly violated several international agreements by testing ballistic missiles. He then supported the U.S. sanctions...

Hassan Rouhani Did Not Attend the Meeting of the Expediency Discernment Council Chaired by...

NCRI - The first meeting of the Expediency Discernment was held after Rafsanjani's death with Khamenei's permission and it was chaired by Movahedi Kermani. The...

The Power Transfer in the U.S. And the Fearful Reaction of the Iran Regime

NCRI - Donald Trump has stressed that all options are considered in order to defy the Iranian regime as well as its destabilizing measures...

Iran: 110 Military Commanders Convicted of Election Fraud in 2005

NCRI - Ali Motahari, a Deputy Speaker of the Iranian regime’s parliament has said that the former chairman of the regime’s expediency council Ali-Akbar Hashemi...

Rafsanjani’s Death Could End 3 Decades of Western Fantasies About Iran

This article by Mr. Safavi the president of Near East Policy Research, was published in the Opinion page of ‘Forbes’ on February 3, the...

Donald Trump Says ‘Iran Is Playing With Fire’ After Ballistic Missile Test

President Donald Trump has accused Iran of "playing with fire" as part of a diplomatic spat over Iran's latest ballistic missile test.’INDEPENDENT’, reported on...