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Over Two Thirds of Iran’s Wetlands Are in Danger


NCRI – Iran is facing a variety of environmental problems resulting from mismanagement and destructive policies practiced recently by the Iranian regime.

Iran’s natural resources are being used three times their capacity, according to the deputy environment protection organization. Increasing temperatures have placed Iran before new crises.

“Greenhouse gases play an important role in rising temperatures and Iran is amongst the top ten countries in the world in distributing greenhouse gases,” said Mohammad Majabi.

The increase in air particles and dust is yet another major environment challenge in Iran, he added in an interview with the semi-official Tasnim news agency.

In the past few years long droughts, decrease in rainwater and the mismanaged use of water sources by Iranian regime elements have resulted in the decreasing level of underground water levels, and most of Iran’s lagoons and lakes drying up.

The construction of too many dams is yet another element leading to water being wasted and evaporating at a much faster pace. Each dam leads to an increase of 4 degrees in temperature in the designated area and decreases the amount of water available downstream for people and their livestock. Iran is currently facing a drought and decreasing amounts of drinking water, becoming a major dilemma for the ruling regime that remains unable to provide for the people’s needs.

Majabi also acknowledged that 75% of Iran’s lagoons are in danger.

The law defines the amount of water allocated to drinking purposes, agriculture, and industry, yet in practice there is no abidance to such regulations, said Mohammad Ali Shaeri, former chairman of the parliament’s Agriculture Commission.

“The truth is allocating water for drinking purposes is always in priority. Water for the environment has always been the last priority, leading to many wetlands drying up today,” he said. These dried wetlands and lagoons have now become sources of dust disrupting the lives of many locals in western and southern Iran.

Dust Crisis Continuing

“I promise Khuzestan’s environment will be one of the priorities of this government…” This was a pledge provided by Iran regime’s President Hassan Rouhani in a speech in Ahvaz on May 16th. This shows his government is unable to resolve environment crises in this region.

“10 years is needed to control the current centers of dusts, and this is without taking into consideration any new center,” said Khodakaram Jalali, head of the Forests, Pastures and Watersheds Organization, in a meeting on March 5th.

Moreover, increasing contamination in the Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf are further dilemmas.

Each year 400 million cubic meters of human waste are poured into the Caspian Sea and 300 million cubic meters into the Persian Gulf.
These numbers may also include industrial and agricultural waste, which are both considered major threats for the environment.

This is only a tip of the iceberg of Iran’s current environment problems, showing very clearly that this corruption-riddled regime has no intention to resolve these crises and is actually the main source of such catastrophes.