Ongoing Internal Feud Between Iran Regime Rival Bands


NCRI Staff

NCRI – In an open letter to the Supreme Leader of Iran regime, former Iran regime’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had criticised the inefficiency of the three branches of government, in particular the judiciary, after he has practically been found guilty of embezzling around $3 billion in public funds.

In the letter to Ali Khamenei, Ahmadinejad accused the judiciary of illegally serving the interests of its leaders rather than the public, which he claims eliminates any hope of reforms for the justice system.

He wrote: “Popular discontent about the conditions in the country and the judicial organs [has reached] an unprecedented level. Today, unfortunately a mere minority…considers itself the absolute owner of the country, the revolution and feudal lords of the people, with the unquestionable right to rule.”

He added that the judiciary rejects all other opinions in favour of a chosen few and restricts freedom of speech, which puts the whole country in danger.

He said: “We were not supposed to have a dictatorship run by the judiciary.”

While it is true that the Iranian judiciary does restrict free speech and reject dissenting opinions, it is worth noting that Ahmadinejad is only complaining about it now that he is on the other side.

He does not truly want judicial reform or fair trials that would benefit the Iranian public- regularly imprisoned for offences as minor as handing out pro-democracy leaflets or daring to wear improper hijab without even the slightest thought given to fair trials and due process- but just to avoid prison himself.

Ahmadinejad began his attacks on the judiciary and its leader, Sadegh Larijani, in late November after they started prosecuting his allies, which was supposedly in response to Khamenei’s favouritism of Ahmadinejad.

There is a deep divide in the factions of the Iranian Regime but to be clear this is not a battle of moderates against hardliners, rather a desperate battle for power. Khamenei is dying from cancer and everyone in the Regime wants to be the next Supreme Leader as it means unchecked power.

Ahmadinejad is being well protected by Khamenei and is unlikely to suffer any real consequences for his crime or for his attacks on the judiciary but according to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) this exposes and weakens the whole corrupt system.

They wrote: “This rift is just one of many factional disputes between members of the Iranian Regime in a desperate bid for power…It is certain that the Iranian Regime will soon implode while the leaders are locked in a power struggle.”

Unprecedented infighting, rising public discontent and protests, embezzlement; is this a Regime that foreign governments and companies really want to invest in?

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