Obama urges Iraqis to form inclusive government

Speaking to reporters at the White House, US President Barack Obama urged Iraqis on Monday to quickly form an inclusive government.

After emerging from talks with his top national security aides about Iraq, Obama said that if an Iraqi government is formed rapidly, various governments in the Middle East and around the world would be prepared to step up assistance, after shying away from doing so due to political dysfunction in Baghdad.

“They’ve got to get this done because the wolf’s at the door and in order for them to be credible with the Iraqi people, they’re going to have to put behind them some of the old practices and actually create a credible, united government,” Obama said.

The president’s meetings came on a brief stop in Washington before he returns to his two-week vacation on the Massachusetts island of Martha’s Vineyard.

Reuters reported: “Washington is watching political events unfold in Iraq with great interest and is urging the new Iraqi prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, to form a unity government after former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki’s unsuccessful attempt.”

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