Mullen: Iranian regime “the most significant threat in the region”

NCRI – The Iranian regime and its pursuit of nuclear weapons “is the most significant threat in the region,” the top US military officer, Adm. Mike Mullen, has said.

According to the American Forces Press Service, in a guidance report released on Wednesday relaying his top priorities and objectives for 2011, Mr. Mullen wrote, “Iran, and its pursuit of nuclear weapons, is the most significant threat in the region.”


He added that the American military will “continue to plan for a broad range of military options should the president decide to use force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.”

The United States is concentrating more attention on the Persian Gulf, Southwest Asia and the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Mullen wrote, according to these reports.

With regards to Iraq, Adm. Mullen noted, “As our military draws down, a robust Office of Security Cooperation will form the cornerstone of our security partnership with the Iraqis.”

“We must ensure this transition is adequately resourced to get it right,” he added.

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