Mullahs attempt to influence MEK disposition; a new Pentagon report says on Iraq

NCRI – In its latest report on the state of security and stability in Iraq, the U.S. Defense Department expressed concern about the mullahs' regime "influence" in that country.

under the heading "Iranian Influence" it says, " Since 2003, Tehran continues to invest heavily to gain preeminent political and economic influence in Iraq by maintaining close ties with Iraq’s Shi’a political parties and supporting proxy militant groups."

"There are reports of Tehran pressuring government officials privately to adopt pro-Iranian positions on such matters as the SFA and Security Agreement, provincial elections, and the disposition of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK). The large number of trips to Tehran by Iraqi officials seeking to consult on such issues testifies to the importance Iraqi decision makers place on Iran’s perspective. In the months ahead, Tehran will likely seek to influence Iraq by identifying and supporting pro-Iranian individuals and parties in their bids to win upcoming elections."


A complete report can be found at:

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