Mounting tensions in Iraq could plunge region into crisis, Arab league warns

NCRI – The Arab League has warned that escalating tensions in Iraq between protesters and the government could plunge the entire region into crisis.

The League’s Secretary General Nabil al-Araby was speaking after repeated clashes between the Iraqi army and anti-government demonstrators opposed to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s policies and his links to the Iranian regime.

Mr al-Araby said the Arab League was ready to provide support by ‘any possible means’ to achieve a broad national agreement among all Iraqis.

But the Arab League had now withdrawn its decision to assign an envoy to Iraq because Nouri al-Maliki had opposed it, he said.

The announcement comes after diplomatic source in Cairo told reporters on Sunday that Mr al-Araby was consulting over the choice of an Arab envoy for Iraq,.

The move was aimed at easing political tensions following an Iraqi army attack on a protest in Iraqi city of Hawijah last week which left 38 dead and dozens more injured, the source told reporters.

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