Most Americans disapprove of Obama’s handling of Iran nuclear deal

Less than one in four Americans approve of the way President Barack Obama is handling relations with Iran, a new Washington Post survey has revealed.

Just 39 per cent of those polled said they agreed with his policies regarding the regime following talks in Geneva aimed at curbing the Iranian regime’s aim of building a nuclear bomb.

Among 18 to 49-year-olds, only 42 per cent disapproved of Obama’s handling of Iran, while among those 50 and over, 36 per cent approved.

Results by gender found 42 per cent of men and 35 per cent of women approved of Obama’s policy concerning the regime. Results by race revealed only 32 per cent of white Americans gave Obama their approval, compared to 53 per cent of non-whites.

Many experts and campaign groups opposed to the theocratic dictatorship believe the deal struck with Iran in Geneva will do little to curtail the Iranian regime’s military nuclear ambitions.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll questioned 1,003 adults by phone between January 20 and 23, 2014.

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